
Yashica MF-1 Series

Make your choice between Snapshot or Leather. Both options come preloaded with a roll of film. Choose your color and get creative!



Get the fun of a disposable camera without the waste. Our cameras are compact while still being reusable. Keep the sleek style of disposables while making it your own and using it over and over.


Want to really make the camera your own? Start by choosing your favorite color! From there you can customize it even more by adding stickers, writing, you name it. Make it truly yours.


Not sure if you want to fully commit to film, test out our Digifilm camera. The look and feel of film, but digital. Don't compromise on your favorite things - experience the joy of film without the pressure.

Good Reusable Camera

Love this low cost option that's reusable. A great way to get into the film world without making a huge investment. Getting to choose my favorite color was even more of a perk. Really feels personalized.

Just What I Was Looking For

Wanted to try my hand at film photography with a small camera I could always keep on me. The MF-1 is perfect, don't have to circle through disposable cameras, just keep a few extra rolls of film and I'm set for any adventure.